We offer the My Approval app as an additional solution to TOTVS Fluig Platform customers. Its purpose is to simplify your company's decision making.
On a single screen, you can access the company's main requests and choose the best decision to make, wherever you are, right on the palm of your hand.
Some of My Approval's main advantages are:
● Practical decision making, whether approving or rejecting requests.
● Follow up on requests through notifications.
● Query transactions made in requests.
● Control outstanding requests.
● Search requests.
Stay tuned!
To use the app, you need to contract TOTVS Fluig Platform, from update 1.6.3 onwards, specifically configured by your environment administrator.
For further information on the application, refer to https://produtos.totvs.com/aplicativo/app-approval/ and learn how to configure processes for use in the application through our documentation: http://tdn.totvs.com/x/ffHuDQ
Do you need to get in touch?
To address your doubts, suggestions or problems, open a ticket in our official TOTVS Fluig channel (https://suporte.fluig.com/) explaining the matter and sharing your contact information so we can help you with a solution.